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The two files are sent back to the malware actor as attachments with some system information and execution logs via SMTP. It does so by connecting to the mail servers and through port 465. Sending to two different mail servers may indicate that the malware author wants to ensure successful information delivery. The SMTP credentials are hardcoded but can be updated through the file in the downloaded archive, mails.ini.

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Aside from the user's Ammyy Admin ID, the dump file's other contents seem to have no immediate use. It is possible that the attacker is simply gathering additional information. During our analysis, we also noticed how some downloaded files were changed and updated, which indicates that the author is still developing the malware. The malware might still be in the PoC stage and will have further versions.

The associated rsync URLs all lead to the same Tor website run by Team Snatch. Connecting over Tor was trivial and required no special software or credentials to access the data. We have HIGH confidence that the group published this data for anyone to download, and it will continue this TTP as the group collects more confidential data from organizations who refuse to give in to blackmail threats.

This guide explains how to obtain your PlayStation 3 (PS3) games and then use your backups with RPCS3. This process is often referred to as dumping and includes different processes depending on the format your game is present. PS3 games are available in two formats:physical Blu-ray discs and digital PSN packages. For Blu-ray discs, dumping refers to decrypting the Blu-ray image and extracting all the files within whereas for PSN packages, it involves downloading the original game (.pkg) file and creating the necessary license (.rap) file. 041b061a72


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